
4:15 PM Posted by Ian Alden Russell
The West Offaly Heritages project is a collaboration between Brown University's John Nicholas Brown Center for Public Humanities and Cultural Heritage and Sculpture in the Parklands and Offaly County Council. Funded by a grant from The Heritage Council and Offaly County Council, the project is bringing graduate students from Brown University's M.A. in Public Humanities programme into residence in West Co. Offaly, Ireland in Summer 2010.  The students will be working with members of the local community in West Offaly to document, activate and creatively mediate the heritages and stories of West Offaly.

Organised by Dr Ian Russell (Brown University and UCD) and Kevin O'Dwyer (Sculpture in the Parklands) and supported by Amanda Pedlow and Ray Bell (Offaly County Council), the West Offaly Heritages project will be both a unique demonstration of the possibilities for new media to create new audiences for heritages in Ireland and a model for collaborative student research residencies as part of  Heritage Council research programmes.